A Brief History
In 1978 Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) Foundation was created as a philanthropic branch of SOMA. As of 2021 the SOMA Foundation came under the American Osteopathic Foundation, the philanthropic non-profit serving Osteopathic Physicians nation-wide. As it stands the SOMA Foundation remains the philanthropic branch serving the members of SOMA with the following goals in mind:
Today the Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) represents more than 15,000 osteopathic medical students soon to enter the physician workforce. For over 40 years, the Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) Foundation has provided the SOMA members with many scholarships and grants. Osteopathic medical students from colleges across the nation run both organizations. This could not happen without the support of our corporate, institutional and individual supporters.
- Contribute to the welfare and education of osteopathic medical students
- Improve the quality of health care delivery to the people of the world
- Familiarize its members with the purposes and ideas of osteopathic medicine
- Establish lines of communication with other health science students and organizations
- Prepare its members to meet the social, moral, and ethical obligations of the osteopathic profession
Today the Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) represents more than 15,000 osteopathic medical students soon to enter the physician workforce. For over 40 years, the Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) Foundation has provided the SOMA members with many scholarships and grants. Osteopathic medical students from colleges across the nation run both organizations. This could not happen without the support of our corporate, institutional and individual supporters.